How Would You Handle It? The Fast Food Play Area Bully Edition
It’s been so busy I haven’t had time to ask a question, well at least ask a question here.
Until I run out of questions I’m going to take every week or so and ask you…
How Would You Handle It?
Most of these situations I either experienced or observed. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer, I just wonder what you think. I’d love for you to tell others about this AND for ALL of you to leave family friendly comments. We can agree to disagree, let’s just play nicely.
So here it is…
How Would You Handle a Child Misbehaving…That Isn’t Your Own?
If you need a specific context I can give an example from a few years ago. I was at a fast food play area with my two kids. At the time the youngest was still delayed compared to her peers. She was mobile but had more difficulties climbing and working the motor skills. The play area was paradise for her, but it was a lot of work for her to enjoy it. Her brother, five years older, was always so kind to slow down and spot her to make sure she didn’t fall or help give her a push if her legs couldn’t make the climb.

I never expected the world to slow down and wait for my kid. But one time in particular there was a girl, probably not quite kindergarten, that wasn’t just bowling my kid down, she was taking everyone out with her pushing, shoving and overall bullyness. If that is a word.
Her mother sat there and did nothing. Not one thing. To her defense she looked tired. But in my opinion, she had a look like I don’t care until one of you speaks up about it.
So there is an example. What would you have done? I’ll share what I did, not saying it was right or wrong, just what I did, in the comments. Make sure you leave a comment too. So glad you are here today!
Ran into that multiple times over the years, with one child running over others. Usually I would try to gently tell the child to play nice, be careful of others, etc.
Several times a parent would act offended. Like how dare you speak to my child. But in a few situations it opened the door to that parent to share how rough times have been. Maybe problems at home and what not.
{shrug} Never a right answer, just address as you feel comfortable to do.
Judi, that scenario is something I saw and still see time and time again. What I did in that case was redirected my kids to a different area. There was a Wii game in another corner and we just went there. When the little girl came over I redirected her and said oh sweetie, I’m worry, we’re playing right now, but in a few minutes we’ll be leaving. She went on her way.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!
I’ve run into that with my little one at times. I tend to gently say,
“oh, let be careful and not push. Alli is littler that you are and we don’t want her to get hurt.” I’ve never had a parent yell at me…not saying that it couldn’t happen though. I like the idea of moving your kids to another section if that is an option though.
I’ve done that too but admit when I knew the parent wasn’t nearby in case they took offense. Sadly, I know people who kindly asked the child to stop for fear of (further) injury and the parents did yell.
Love you jumping in and sharing, you are right at that age group that deals with that!
Well, I would’ove done the same (tell them to not push and shove others in a nice way) but i would not let the child just to take the punishment or to get injured or anything in any way… If other parents took offense then that’s their problem. I want the children not to be physically abused by others and that is one of the basic rights. It is sad that there are many people out there that are just looking for trouble everywhere (they want to argue when there is no real reason for it) but i would confront… Read more »
I would definitely told the child to play carefully and stop playing in a crowded and a busy place.