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WFW: You’ve Got Some Destroying to Do…

It’s time to share a Bible verse inspired post over at the Internet Cafe today. It’s called Word Full Wednesday and it’s all for the glory of God. Link up and join us!

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately regarding intercession and strategies and a lot of history takes me back to the Amalekites.  They were bad news for the Israelites and when Saul had victory over the Amalekites God was really specific.

Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. 1 Samuel 15:3, NIV

When Saul disobeyed it invited the Amalekites back to mess with the Israelites

It seems extreme but God has purpose to everything. Everything. He needed the Amalekites wiped off the face of the Earth for Israel’s protection.  Long story short, Saul disobeyed.

It’s easy for me to shake my finger at Saul and reflect on all the ways he blew it. He decided to play god and it was the beginning of the end for him. The consequences kept coming.

My heart is for surrender and freedom in Christ and although I had to Google “smite” and I wouldn’t recognize an Amalekite without God or a professor, I know disobedience.  I’ve yet to meet one recovering alcoholic that can keep a couple drinks on hand and not return to old ways. Anyone that struggles with p*rn knows they will never live free if they keep just one file on their computer or one magazine hidden. When I had relationships that I knew were toxic and God was asking me to let go, I had to completely release the friendship. When I thought oh, I’ll just e mail them, that will work…it. did. not.

God knows what He is doing and He loves you enough to tell you there is some destroying to do. When He asks you, it is for your good to obey.  Don’t play god and keep remnants around out of sympathy or for trophies.

Obey God.

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13 years ago

Great word Julie. Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

13 years ago

Great word Julie,

This was right on… Love the picture too.

13 years ago

*boom* destroying is often the only way…annihilation…Girl THIS is an awesome Word! My fave of the day! Wow…whew….sooo good!


13 years ago

Love that smite button… what a powerful image!

13 years ago

Loooove the Smite button! Ha!
Nice, sobering word to go along with it though… I needed it!
Thank you :0)