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How I “Git ‘Er Done”

It’s a question I’m asked often and years ago, I stammered and avoided answering. I’m not better, but I felt different and I didn’t know how to explain it.

The question was, how do I do all that I do?

Years ago I got all nervous because I didn’t want to offend anyone nor did I want to bring attention to myself.

I still feel that way.

What changed is that I realized by giving an answer, I’m bringing attention to the true Source of my energy. I also have the opportunity to be authentic. Most people only get a glimpse at the whole puzzle called my life.

I write for Adding Zest and the Internet Cafe. I’m facilitating Made to Crave and receiving training on how to facilitate a study for women seeking freedom from life controlling issues (fear, food, addictions, idols, etc…) I have a fiction work in progress I need to edit and two more I want to write this year. I love serving as a mentor mom at my local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) chapter. I mentor kids with a newsletter at my local church that they create and serve as part of the Children’s Church team. I have a husband, two kids, a step daughter getting married this fall and other family things that keep my calendar hopping.

Here’s how I do it.

I have a prayer team.  When I surrendered fear in 2007 and decided to write no matter what, I vowed I would do it for God. I had enough sense to know I couldn’t write even one word without Him. Whether it was writing a bestseller or creating a newsletter for a few, I wanted prayer to be the wind beneath my wings.

I believe this is for anyone who calls on Christ as their Savior. Whether a pastor, teacher, mom, banker…I think everyone should have a prayer team. To learn more, please read the free gift article I created just for website visitors.

I also surrendered being a total Martha. Martha was the sister in the Bible who couldn’t sit still and enjoy what Jesus had to say and resented anyone that did (ahem, sister Mary.) She was in the kitchen and running herself ragged. That was me. I was enslaved to cleaning the house all the time in case someone would come to the house.  Thing was I was so scared about the house not being ready I wouldn’t let anyone come over. I felt empty and angry and knew God had to have something better for me.

I’m still fairly organized but if you come to the house, it’s on your own warning. I care too much about readers like you having a full, free life in Christ. I’d rather be writing here or preparing a Bible study. The dishes are in the sink and the living room looks cluttered. And I’m SO ok with that.  Only God could do that in me.

I also drink dark roast coffee that men are afraid to drink. It’s strong, my own concoction of French Roast, milk and caramel syrup. I also don’t sleep eight hours, probably more like six. I also don’t have a huge social life. I’m working on that but I can’t be at the mall or out to dinner all the time. The finances aren’t there and neither is the time.

Not everyone is called to my schedule and that’s why I don’t hem and haw when people ask about it. I’m such a firm believer that God equips the called and everyone’s calling is different. But I accomplish what I do through daily surrender to Christ, prayer from others, coffee that strips furniture, not a lot of sleep, and staying home a lot.

How do you “git ‘er done?”

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Lisa Mikitarian
13 years ago

It is all about surrender, but I love the dark roast coffee line!

Julie Arduini
13 years ago

I get a lot done AND can strip furniture with my dark roast coffee breath! Thanks Lisa for reading and leaving a comment!