Book Review: The Plans I Have for You by Amy Parker
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Book Review: The Plans I Have for You by Amy Parker

Book Description: Part of a new brand in the Zondervan family, The Plans I Have for YOU! is an illustrated 90-day devotional written by bestselling children’s book author Amy Parker and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton, teaching and inspiring kids to dream about their future, to focus on faith, love and joy and recognize that…

When Obedience is Hard by Jennifer Slattery
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When Obedience is Hard by Jennifer Slattery

Julie’s note: Please welcome author Jennifer Slattery and her post, When Obedience is Hard. He was a simple fisherman by trade. He worked long hours late into the night. Each day as he prepared his nets and pushed out into deeper water, one thought occupied his mind: How many fish will I catch today. In…

Sabbath Sunday: He will Direct Your Path
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Sabbath Sunday: He will Direct Your Path

As we settle into life taking this route on a daily basis, we still feel more change is to come as we seek “revive” on a personal level. It’s easy to get caught up in the questions. What kind of change? When? How? Will it benefit all of us? And on and on I could…

Sabbath Sunday: He Will Direct Your Path
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Sabbath Sunday: He Will Direct Your Path

As we settle into life taking this route on a daily basis, we still feel more change is to come as we seek “revive” on a personal level. It’s easy to get caught up in the questions. What kind of change? When? How? Will it benefit all of us? And on and on I could…