Guest Blogger Michelle Massaro Announces COTT Cover Winner—Catherine Richmond’s Springtime for Susanna
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Guest Blogger Michelle Massaro Announces COTT Cover Winner—Catherine Richmond’s Springtime for Susanna

*by Michelle MassaroLast week Clash of the Titles held their first ever Clash of the Covers. This fast-paced clash was different than their usual fare, because instead of judging the author’s story, we judged how well their cover designs matched their theme or made us want to pick up the book. There were four books…

Guest Blogger Jessica Dotta: Inspire a Fire through Media
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Guest Blogger Jessica Dotta: Inspire a Fire through Media

Julie’s note: Inspire a Fire is so much more than a nice website full of my favorite authors. I think today’s post captures the heart of what Inspire a Fire is about and their mission to have readers like me be aware and do something. This post is here because Gina Holmes is passionate enough…

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Character Confession—Like that Glass

Character Confession day…I could pin up every feeling graphic available and it would describe my week. How about you? Since I can’t name them all, let’s balance two confessions, used in the glass scenario. I remember attending a Mothers of Preschoolers, MOPS, meetings when my now teen was a toddler. The mentor mom shared the…

Guest Blogger Jennifer Slattery: What My Husband Wants for Christmas
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Guest Blogger Jennifer Slattery: What My Husband Wants for Christmas

My husband is the king of gift giving. I think he makes a game of it, and often he drags our daughter into his fun little plan. The two will look at me, at each other, then explode in a fit of giggles, followed by the familiar phrase, “We have something to do this weekend.”…

BookSneeze Book Review: The Love & Respect Experience—A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love
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BookSneeze Book Review: The Love & Respect Experience—A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love

I love a good marriage book. A few years ago Dr. Emerson Eggerichs wrote Love and Respect, a book I definitely enjoyed for his keen insights on the simple fact too many marriages weren’t understanding—women need love and men need respect. It’s more than that, and it was good, but I felt bad because The…