Sabbath Sunday: The Faith Walk
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Sabbath Sunday: The Faith Walk

Julie’s note: Reminder—I’m looking for guest bloggers to submit a post on why they are thankful. I’ll use them throughout November, a tradition that always inspires me and the readers. Your post can be a few sentences or up to 750 words. Send it to with a bio and optional picture, and make sure…

Character Confession: Freedom
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Character Confession: Freedom

Each Sunday I try to share my own nature picture with a thought or two about God’s love for you. I’ve never seen a limp flag, have you? Even on a non windy day I think our flags still represent so many strong themes. Freedom. Sacrifice. Heroes. Freedom in your life will never be a…

Sabbath Sunday: Freedom
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Sabbath Sunday: Freedom

Each Sunday I try to share my own nature picture with a thought or two about God’s love for you. I’ve never seen a limp flag, have you? Even on a non windy day I think our flags still represent so many strong themes. Freedom. Sacrifice. Heroes. Freedom in your life will never be a…

Sabbath Sunday: Joy in the Morning
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Sabbath Sunday: Joy in the Morning

Sabbath Sunday. I post an amateur nature picture of my own with a thought or two about God’s love for you. I look at this picture and think about my life. God’s Word. How His Word carries me, especially in hard times. And this verse pairs up perfectly with the picture to me. For his…

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Sabbath Sunday: Full of Fog with Glimpses of Beauty

Each Sunday I post my own amateur nature picture with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This isn’t the best picture, but it’s a typical fall morning. Full of fog with glimpses of beauty. Is that where you are today? Can’t figure out the literal season you are in–unable to even take…