From Aurora: So You STILL Think God is a Merciful God? An Eyewitness Blogs Her Thoughts
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From Aurora: So You STILL Think God is a Merciful God? An Eyewitness Blogs Her Thoughts

Probably like you, I woke up and turned on the news, shocked to learn of the unfolding devastation out of Aurora. Throughout the day I listened to K-Love. Scott and Kelli had been in Denver all week and somehow over radio waves, knowing they were in the area broadcasting was a comforting thought. I saw…

Book Review: Relentless Pursuit by Ken Gire
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Book Review: Relentless Pursuit by Ken Gire

They say don’t judge a book by the cover. In this case, you should judge my cover of Relentless Pursuit–God’s Love of Outsiders Including the Outsider in All of Us. It’s folded. Dog-eared Wrinkled. I took this book poolside thinking I’d read on the deck while our daughter swam. But its been consistently in the…

Interview with Eleanor Clark, author of Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot, FREE on Kindle Through July 20
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Interview with Eleanor Clark, author of Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot, FREE on Kindle Through July 20

Become a Courageous Patriot! Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot is FREE on KINDLE through July 20.   Eleanor, welcome! I’m so excited to have you as my special visitor today. Can you tell my readers a little about yourself? I should start by telling you that I just celebrated a very important birthday—my 80th! And yes,…

COTT: Getting to Know Dineen Miller
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COTT: Getting to Know Dineen Miller

*guest post by Michelle Massaro At Clash of the Titles, we’re interested in the Christian Fiction that’s making a splash, flying onto the scene in a burst of attention-grabbing technicolor and gripping our imaginations. Every month we’re seeing batches of new stories hit the shelves and here’s one that has also hit our hearts. Dineen…