With Each New Dawn by Gail Kittleson
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With Each New Dawn by Gail Kittleson

With Each New Dawn by Gail Kittleson   Green stands for hope…the color of sprouts in spring. Gray has a more subtle nuance—in an Iowa November, cloudy gray can be depressing.   But what divides green and gray…only a few drops of color.   Sometimes life turns “iffy” like this, with a fine line between…

Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton
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Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton

Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton I signed up to write a Thanksgiving post, and then life hit. This went wrong, then that went wrong and I’m still reeling from the blows when I get an email notice—oh, I need to write a blog post. And it’s due yesterday. Guess I’d better…

Movie Review: The Star Movie by Deanna Evans
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Movie Review: The Star Movie by Deanna Evans

THE STAR MOVIE REVIEW: A FILM FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Julie’s note: This review from Deanna Evans can be found here. I was asked recently if I’d like to review THE STAR movie, based off of the very first Christmas, from the animal’s perspective surrounding Christ’s birth. This was something I had never done…

Thanksgiving & Praise by Brenda B. Taylor +#GIVEAWAY
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Thanksgiving & Praise by Brenda B. Taylor +#GIVEAWAY

Thanksgiving and Praise   Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. Psalm 100:4   November is a beautiful month in East Texas. The trees begin to sport their fall colors in full. Autumn comes to our area a month later than in the…

Looking for Rays of Sunshine by Melanie D. Snitker
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Looking for Rays of Sunshine by Melanie D. Snitker

Looking for the Rays of Sunshine By Melanie D. Snitker   I’m not going to lie: The last couple of months have been rough in my household. We’ve had a lot of challenges that, in combination with lack of sleep, made the day-to-day things seem a lot harder than they should have been. When we…