The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving by Nike Chillemi

The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving by Nike Chillemi

The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving by Nike Chillemi   The Bible talks about “the sacrifice of thanksgiving.” Most of us don’t like to sacrifice anything. We think: suffering, forfeiting, losing, renouncing, and/or kiss it goodbye. Simply pondering “the sacrifice of thanksgiving” turns our thinking around on the notion of “sacrifice”.   The Bible tells us to…

When Obedience is Hard by Jennifer Slattery
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When Obedience is Hard by Jennifer Slattery

Julie’s note: Please welcome author Jennifer Slattery and her post, When Obedience is Hard. He was a simple fisherman by trade. He worked long hours late into the night. Each day as he prepared his nets and pushed out into deeper water, one thought occupied his mind: How many fish will I catch today. In…

Why is Loneliness So Hard to Talk About by Cherie Burbach
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Why is Loneliness So Hard to Talk About by Cherie Burbach

Why Is Loneliness So Hard to Talk About?   In writing about relationships for over a decade now I’ve noticed a few things that continually stand out: people wanting more friends in their life, people wanting to understand what makes that friend of theirs tick, and people trying not to look too desperate for friends….

Guest Blogger: Recipe for Single Moms by Dawn V. Cahill
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Guest Blogger: Recipe for Single Moms by Dawn V. Cahill

Recipe for Single Moms By Dawn V. Cahill. First appeared on Dawn V. June 7, 2015 Many years ago, my three-year-old son discovered a love for food preparation. He’d come up with all kinds of concoctions. Here’s one of them: ½ gallon of milk 2/3 quart chocolate milk powder Approx 8 tbsp salt ¼ can of…

CHRISTMAS BONUS: The Christmas Concert Disaster by Ruth O’Neil
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CHRISTMAS BONUS: The Christmas Concert Disaster by Ruth O’Neil

All this week the Write Integrity Press families have been participating in Christmas blogs and specials, including last night’s Facebook party. I wanted to share a bonus post by Ruth O’Neil. I guarantee this will tickle your funny bone. Do you have a Christmas pageant memory/choir/concert? Boy, do I ever, but I will try to…