The Ordinary Life by Leslie Umstattd
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The Ordinary Life by Leslie Umstattd

The Ordinary Life Most of us live what is considered an ordinary life. We go through life each day with the typical routine of getting up, going to work, doing laundry, shuttling children to their events, and retiring for the evening. The days and months pass by and before we know it, November hits and…

Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference
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Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference

I thought I had a good grasp on compassion and understanding toward families with special need situations. Then we encountered seasons with our youngest where she was quite ill or not meeting developmental goals, and we entered the outer skirts as a family with unique needs. We still don’t have the minute to minute, day…

Thankful: Tiffany Amber Stockton’s Gratitude Born From Selfishness
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Thankful: Tiffany Amber Stockton’s Gratitude Born From Selfishness

GRATITUDE BORN FROM SELFISHNESS   I sat for a bit, pondering what I would say in this post on being thankful. Sure, I could start a long list of reasons for giving thanks, but so can anyone else. Then, it hit me. Although I have a lot of reasons to give thanks today, I didn’t…

Character Confession: Seriously Found Joy Through Autism
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Character Confession: Seriously Found Joy Through Autism

It’s Character Confession Saturday! It’s also World Autism Day, a day to spread awareness regarding people diagnosed with autism or are within the autism spectrum. What makes me choose seriously as my confession is the ignorance I continue to run across when it comes to special needs. When I was growing up people didn’t understand…