Character Confession: I Wish You Owned a Drive-In
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Character Confession: I Wish You Owned a Drive-In

It’s been about a month since I blogged about my 2011 drive-in experience. Since then, I’ve received so much feedback regarding how to handle it. Facebook, e mails, phone, and in person. There wasn’t one piece of bad advice. So I thought I’d share an update. Although I haven’t been back to the drive-in, my…

Hope for Children Who Seethe on Mother’s Day
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Hope for Children Who Seethe on Mother’s Day

Each year I try to blog on an aspect of motherhood that isn’t a traditional Mother’s Day message. Although I’ve lost a lot of content and could revisit these, I’ve blogged on single moms and women with infertility who struggle so much on Mother’s Day. Today I want to hold the hands and hug the…

Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference
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Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference

I thought I had a good grasp on compassion and understanding toward families with special need situations. Then we encountered seasons with our youngest where she was quite ill or not meeting developmental goals, and we entered the outer skirts as a family with unique needs. We still don’t have the minute to minute, day…

Character Confession: The Sparkly Gift
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Character Confession: The Sparkly Gift

To say I had a low self-esteem as a young adult would be an understatement. I didn’t feel worthy of love for a few reasons, and would complain when I observed what I thought were high-maintenance girlfriends demanding flowers and chocolates from my friends, their boyfriends. I thought so little of myself I remember uttering…