Book Review: The War on Christmas by Bodie Hodge
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Book Review: The War on Christmas by Bodie Hodge

Handlebar Publishing was kind enough to ask me if I was interested in reviewing The War on Christmas by Bodie Hodge. With a wrecking ball demolishing a Christmas tree on the cover, I have to admit I was curious. I’m glad I said yes. The War on Christmas takes the questions, myths, and controversies regarding…

Saturday Confession: Fail Doesn’t Mean Failure
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Saturday Confession: Fail Doesn’t Mean Failure

My Confession is a hard one to put out there. For you Gen X’ers/Baby Boomers who remember “Happy Days,” it’s as hard as Fonzie saying “I was w–wr–wr—wrong.” Here’s my confession. I failed. But I am not a failure. Over 15 years ago I didn’t know the difference. I had a difficult delivery with my…

Book Review: High-Stakes Holiday Reunion by Christy Barritt
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Book Review: High-Stakes Holiday Reunion by Christy Barritt

High-Stakes Holiday Reunion starts with a bang and doesn’t let up until the last page. Ashley is a strong heroine desperate to find her family after a kidnapping. Christopher is the only one she feels capable to help, but he’s her ex-fiancee. What makes him capable is his military background. What broke their engagement? His…

Determined to be Thankful by Jennifer Slattery
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Determined to be Thankful by Jennifer Slattery

You know, I wish I was thankful 99% of the time (because everyone deserves a pass once out of a hundred, right?). I wish my heart remained centered in God when blessings flowed and when sadness came. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love Jesus and will always devote my life to serving Him. But…

Book Review: The God Puzzle by Valerie Ackermann
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Book Review: The God Puzzle by Valerie Ackermann

Book Description: The God Puzzle is a colorful, easy to use tool to help you communicate to your child the rich truths about God, His ways, His will and His love.The God Puzzle will help you address doctrinal themes of the Christian faith in a kid friendly way, present Bible lessons in an interactive way that will…