Julie Arduini’s Favorite Reviewed Fiction Book 2014
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Julie Arduini’s Favorite Reviewed Fiction Book 2014

Each year I look over the books I reviewed and choose the ones I enjoyed most and remember even after I finished the book. Today I choose the fiction book. I chose this one because it was more than a romance. It was a message, an invitation by the author to draw into a relationship…

Book Review: Farewell Four Waters by Kate McCord
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Book Review: Farewell Four Waters by Kate McCord

Book Description: Day 14: It should have been the beginning . . . All she needed were stamps and signatures. Marie and her translator stood in the government offices in Kabul, Afghanistan to complete the paperwork for her new literacy project. The women in her home town, the northern village of Shehktan, would learn to…

COTT: Kinsale Kisses by Elizabeth Maddrey Wins December Clash
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COTT: Kinsale Kisses by Elizabeth Maddrey Wins December Clash

Julie’s Note: Thank you to everyone that voted for Entrusted! KINSALE KISSES   Congratulations, Elizabeth Maddrey! Kinsale Kisses received enough votes to claim the win! This clash received more votes than any other clash in COTT history. So we offer a big thank-you and a standing ovation to each of our contestants: Rachel A James…

Entrusted Chosen as one of the “Top Picks in Romantic Reads for 2014”
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Entrusted Chosen as one of the “Top Picks in Romantic Reads for 2014”

This is the little book that could. Years ago when I walked around the real Speculator I envisioned writing out a story and handing it off to friends via my word processor. Yep, it was a long time ago. I didn’t think about publishing or becoming an author. The fear of rejection was too great….

Book Review: Yes or No by Jeff Shinabarger
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Book Review: Yes or No by Jeff Shinabarger

Book Description: As you face daily choices that require yes or no decisions, there are times when you feel paralyzed—either from fear of making the wrong choice or because of too many seemingly equal options. Social entrepreneur Jeff Shinabarger helps you break through these moments of tension and transition with proven ways to move toward…

Entrusted: Interview with Kyle Swarthmore
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Entrusted: Interview with Kyle Swarthmore

This week I’ve had fun interviewing the characters from my Adirondack romance, Entrusted. Today you have the opportunity to meet bad-boy Kyle Swarthmore. Kyle, did you grow up in Speculator Falls? What’s the connection? I visited every weekend during summers. My dad bought a summer home outside Speculator Falls. Do you call Speculator Falls home?…