Saturday Confession: The Parenthood Finale Headache
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Saturday Confession: The Parenthood Finale Headache

It’s no secret I enjoy a good television show. I’m a fan of quality writing and ensemble acting and this year I’ve been saying goodbye to some good ones. Parenthood being one of them. I watched this show from the beginning, and as I’ve been with Girl Meets World, I was skeptical. Could Parenthood the…

A Walk in the Valley, Christian Encouragement for your Journey through Infertility, Now Available for Pre-Order
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A Walk in the Valley, Christian Encouragement for your Journey through Infertility, Now Available for Pre-Order

I interrupt the winter weather buzz to share something very close to my heart—A Walk in the Valley, Christian Encouragement for your Journey through Infertility, is now available for pre-order through Amazon. From Amazon: Everyone’s journey through infertility is different. Even women who have the same physical problems will have different courses of treatment, different responses,…

Movie Review: Roadmap Genesis
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Movie Review: Roadmap Genesis

    Movie Description: Roadmap Genesis is a film documentary that makes the case that the Book of Genesis is a roadmap containing guideposts on how to live a productive, fruitful, and fulfilling life that will help our society lift itself out of its current decline and return it to prosperity, promise, and accomplishment. When…

My Cruising Experiences—Breadcrumbs and All

My Cruising Experiences—Breadcrumbs and All

It’s here! It’s time to introduce you all to Brent Teague and his stint as The Love Boat Bachelor. Monday through Friday this week and next at Write Integrity Press we’re releasing a chapter where each heroine Brent meets during this two week Caribbean cruise. Then, on the afternoon of February 4, we’ll open voting…