Fulfilling a Promise: Broken Wings by Dianne Price
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Fulfilling a Promise: Broken Wings by Dianne Price

Julie’s note: When the call went out to authors asking to help Ashberry Lane promote one of their authors, it’s one of those questions you don’t have to think about. You make time. You give the space. Please read on. Leave a comment and I’ll randomly choose one person to receive a free e-copy of…

COTT: James L. Rubart and His Supernatural Thriller Memory’s Door
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COTT: James L. Rubart and His Supernatural Thriller Memory’s Door

  Clash of the Titles brings to you best-selling author James Rubart’s latest novel, Memory’s Door. “The prophecy brought them together— to fight for the hearts of others and set them free.” But the Wolf has risen, and now their greatest battle begins.  The four members of Warriors Riding have learned to wage war in the…

Sabbath Sunday: I Don’t Feel So Alone
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Sabbath Sunday: I Don’t Feel So Alone

Did you know spiritual seasons mirror the natural ones? The next natural season is fall. A time of transition. A breaking off and eventual dying of things to bring about something better. But before that better comes a path filled with darkness and the unknown. What happens next? What if I fail? How am I…

Character Confession: Allowing Recalibration
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Character Confession: Allowing Recalibration

Earlier this week I met with a great group of ladies as part of the Greater Youngstown Praise and Coffee chapter. My dear friend Maria was the speaker on the unexpected, and until Panera threw us out because they longed to go home, we all shared our unexpected stories and God’s hand through all of…

Book Review: Be the Blessing by Paula Mowery
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Book Review: Be the Blessing by Paula Mowery

Addy is a pastor’s wife who knows when Conrad shows up, he has a message not only to bless Addy, but bless others. Conrad challenges her to be the blessing, and she experiences blessings in return as she leaves her comfort zone and is intentional about blessing others. When Addy is in need, she realizes…

Book Review: Writing and Selling the Great American Novel by Janice Thompson
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Book Review: Writing and Selling the Great American Novel by Janice Thompson

When it comes to writing how-to books, I admit I start to gloss over when I hear there is a new one. I’m a voracious reader and I’ve read them. Of the stacks and stacks I’ve finished, only a few stand out as ones with new information and help I find amazing and worth telling…