Sabbath Sunday: The Silver Lining
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Sabbath Sunday: The Silver Lining

Each Sunday I share an amateur nature picture of mine along with a thought or two regarding God’s love for you. God is for you. He is specific. He is a romancer. He will go to great lengths to get your attention. Why? Because He loves you. This season has been full of change and…

Thankfulness Leaves No Room for Depression by Delores Liesner
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Thankfulness Leaves No Room for Depression by Delores Liesner

When a grandchild’s terminal cancer diagnosis and long-term hospitalization brought overwhelming life and death concerns, little things made a big difference.   A gift book of 10 rules to understanding God’s control over any situation (The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan) changed those first scary days to a focus of hope.   We’re praying…

The Argument with God by Pat
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The Argument with God by Pat

As this Thanksgiving season approaches, I am reminded of a time many years ago, that even today reminds me of how faithful our God is. My husband was out of work and had been for a long time, our unemployment checks had stopped and he had a minimum wage job, with three children at home…

Book Review: Callie by Sharon Srock
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Book Review: Callie by Sharon Srock

Yesterday I presented an interview with author Sharon Srock. Today I have a review of her women’s fiction book, Callie. This is Book One in the Women of Valley View by HarbourLight, an imprint of Pelican Book Group. I think it’s natural for every woman to want to help, make a difference, be a rescuer….

The Weight of Love by Cleo Lampos
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The Weight of Love by Cleo Lampos

The hottest summer in half a century in the Midwest. Drought conditions that conjure up visions of the Great Depression. Bans on water use in the suburbs.  The months of June through August scorched the grass with unrelenting days above 90 or 100 degrees.  Yet, God’s grace is bountiful. Planting a garden takes faith that…

Sabbath Sunday: The Silver Lining
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Sabbath Sunday: The Silver Lining

Each Sunday I share an amateur nature picture of mine along with a thought or two regarding God’s love for you. God is for you. He is specific. He is a romancer. He will go to great lengths to get your attention. Why? Because He loves you. This season has been full of change and…