Julie Arduini Interviews Ben Regan from Entrusted
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Julie Arduini Interviews Ben Regan from Entrusted

Julie Arduini Interviews Ben Regan from Entrusted One thing authors need to do to craft a quality story is know their characters. One technique is through interview. I thought I’d introduce you to the hero from Entrusted, grocer and town councilman Ben Regan. Ben, tell the readers a little bit about yourself. I co own…

Entrusted: My Interview with Heroine Jenna Anderson
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Entrusted: My Interview with Heroine Jenna Anderson

This week I’m featuring interviews with the characters from my debut romance, Entrusted. If you need a stocking stuffer for the reader in your life, I hope meeting these fun characters will encourage you to purchase this Adirondack surrender read. Entrusted starts out with you getting in a bit of trouble. Is that what you’re…

Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker
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Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker

Book Description “Is your day punctuated by tattling, tears, and testiness among your children? Does your home resemble a war zone, with fights breaking out constantly among combative siblings? Do you wonder why your kids can’t get along? You’re not alone. Sibling rivalry has become one of the most frustrating problems facing today’s parents. Yet…

CHRISTMAS BONUS: The Christmas Concert Disaster by Ruth O’Neil
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CHRISTMAS BONUS: The Christmas Concert Disaster by Ruth O’Neil

All this week the Write Integrity Press families have been participating in Christmas blogs and specials, including last night’s Facebook party. I wanted to share a bonus post by Ruth O’Neil. I guarantee this will tickle your funny bone. Do you have a Christmas pageant memory/choir/concert? Boy, do I ever, but I will try to…