Saturday Confession: Loaves, Fishes, Questions and Kickers
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Saturday Confession: Loaves, Fishes, Questions and Kickers

Matthew 16: At this they began to argue with each other because they hadn’t brought any bread. Jesus knew what they were saying, so he said, “You have so little faith! Why are you arguing with each other about having no bread? Don’t you understand even yet? Don’t you remember the 5,000 I fed with…

After The Love Boat Bachelor: For Readers and Writers
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After The Love Boat Bachelor: For Readers and Writers

It has been a fun ride watching from the inside of Write Integrity Press how readers have embraced our collaborative novels. Remember, before I ever signed for the Adirondack Surrender Romance Series or The Love Boat Bachelor, I was reading A Dozen Apologies, a Ruby Christmas and The Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt. I’ve received great…

The Love Boat Bachelor: The Inspiration Behind Nora Laing
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The Love Boat Bachelor: The Inspiration Behind Nora Laing

By now you’re aware that readers chose Eliana Grayson as Brent Teague’s heroine in The Love Boat Bachelor. I can’t adequately explain how fun it was behind the scenes as authors to read the chapters together and wonder who readers would choose. They were all great heroines so don’t worry about the heroines who weren’t…

Book Review: The Five Love Languages for Men by Gary Chapman and Randy Southern
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Book Review: The Five Love Languages for Men by Gary Chapman and Randy Southern

A note from Julie: As part of our review for The Five Love Languages for Men, Flyby Promotions invited us to have husbands share their thoughts. Book Description: Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your…