Sabbath Sunday: Beyond the Branches
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Sabbath Sunday: Beyond the Branches

Each Sunday I take an amateur nature shot I took and pair it up with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This just might be my favorite picture of all time. During a break from the relentless May rains I took a quick drive to Mill Creek Park in Youngstown. I don’t…

Character Confession: I’m Angry that Mary Jane is So Popular
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Character Confession: I’m Angry that Mary Jane is So Popular

It’s Saturday so here is my Character Confession. Can you relate? I’d love to hear your comments.         I haven’t been watching a ton of TV (a good thing) but when I do, I’m noticing a trend. Celebrities are pushing pot as a fun thing to do without consequences. And that, my…

MC Blogfest: An Interview With Ben Regan, My Fiction Character
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MC Blogfest: An Interview With Ben Regan, My Fiction Character

      I have a guest today, kind of. Author Elizabeth Mueller is hosting a MC blogfest, inspired by Character Therapist Jeannie Campbell. I blogged about Jeannie recently, if you write fiction following her blog is a MUST. Jeannie recommends that writers get into the heads of their main character and have the MC…

FaithWriters Conference August 12-14—You Want to Know More
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FaithWriters Conference August 12-14—You Want to Know More

Unfortunately the FaithWriters conference occurs during a yearly family event so I haven’t been able to make it. But I know the speakers well enough to tell you this is a tremendous conference, a steal of a price, and an opportunity to take your writing to the next step. You can learn more about the…

Clash of the Titles (COTT)Winner’s Announcement by April W. Gardner
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Clash of the Titles (COTT)Winner’s Announcement by April W. Gardner

-guest post by April W Gardner Rosslyn Elliot–Winner of the Best Protagonist Clash Fairer Than Morning was voted as having the best protagonist description by Clash of the Titles readers. Her worthy competitor was Pamela Thibodeaux’s Tempered Hearts. A snapshot of her winning excerpt: Will groaned. His eyes still would not focus, though the barn’s…

Book Review: Melissa Foster’s Megan’s Way
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Book Review: Melissa Foster’s Megan’s Way

Last week I reviewed Melissa Foster’s latest novel, Chasing Amanda. Today I’m back with a review of her first book, Megan’s Way. With two Melissa Foster books under my reading belt I can say she is a well rounded story teller. Usually you find writers are really good with characterizations or imagery and setting. They…