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Sabbath Sunday: The Muddy Road


One of my favorite poems is Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Probably because I can relate. The wide path everyone else takes? I was never one to follow. I was the pioneer taking the narrow way rarely understanding why I wasn’t like everyone else.

Thing is, the path God gives you, it’s not going to be laden with golden brick.

That’s heaven, and you aren’t there yet.

Life is muddy. There is change. Loss. Challenges.

Enough to consider, if only for a moment, about taking an easier route.

Thing is, those muddy moments produce growth.

The valleys brought me way more wisdom than the mountains.

My faith in Christ and His track record moves forward because He moved me in the hardest of times.

If you’re stuck in the mud, don’t despair.

The road you’re taking isn’t an accident and not meant to destroy.

In fact, it’s the fast trek to faith and trust with the One who created your road.

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