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Sabbath Sunday: The Faith Walk


Julie’s note: Reminder—I’m looking for guest bloggers to submit a post on why they are thankful. I’ll use them throughout November, a tradition that always inspires me and the readers. Your post can be a few sentences or up to 750 words. Send it to juliearduini@juliearduini.com with a bio and optional picture, and make sure you sign off as the world would want to know you—first name only, full name, anonymous.) I rarely edit, but reserve the right if need be, and first come, first serve. You don’t have to be a “writer” to do this. Just be thankful and willing to share it. Thank you!


Each Sunday I share my own nature photo and a thought or two about God’s love for you.

Years ago my husband I talked about what if God told us everything that was coming. Would it help our faith?

We quickly discerned that no, it would not.

For him, the point drove home when he was pumping gas. He had a flash of himself seeing himself pumping gas and coming to the conclusion that he lost his job and was now working at a gas station, when in reality, it was just one of many, many times he was at the pump getting gas for himself and his current job. He maintained walking by faith was hard, but probably easier than getting more information up front. Because like his pump vision, it was only part of the story.

I agree. If I started a journey and saw it was unpaved road followed by a mountain and the pinnacle was full of fog, I’d stay home. I wouldn’t realize that by attempting the journey I’d learn lessons along the way. There would be provision and testimonies I’d never get to tell. Only by faith would I have these things come to pass. And yes, often the journey is hard. But they are always the best victories to spur others on in the Kingdom.

So next time you’re frustrated because God isn’t showing off a crystal ball so to speak, be thankful. You truly are more blessed walking by faith.

Julie Arduini picture, Speculator, NY, rainy view from The Melody Lodge

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