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Review: Christian Quotes

About Christian Quotes

ChristianQuotes.info  has over 10,000 Christian quotes that are categorized by Bible, Author and Topic. The inspirational website has a new devotional each day around the daily quote. It also has thousands of images perfect for sharing on Facebook.

Some of the most read and used pages on Christian Quotes includes:

World’s 10 Most Encouraging Bible Verses In Quote Images

Christian Quotes most shareable images

World’s 10 Best Bible Verses About Hope In Comforting Images

Christian Quotes also boasts a Facebook page with over 4.5 million fans


Christian Quotes is a new find for me, and what a treasure. At first glance, it contains hundreds of images with quotes from God’s word and noted Christian speakers. However, digging in, there’s so much more.

Each image has a title that when you click on it, it contains a commentary/article on the quote. It dives a little deeper than the quote itself and is informative and encouraging.

The menu also includes TOP QUOTES, subjects like worry or heaven that you can learn more about. BIBLE has quotes from the Bible, including the books in the Bible and even comforting verses to share in a sympathy card. MOVIE QUOTES is just that. There are secular movies that have powerful quotes like Toy Story and Wizard of Oz. There are also Christian movies like Fireproof and God’s Not Dead. I was surprised War Room wasn’t included, but perhaps that will soon. BLOG is where you find commentaries and Christian topics.

I bookmarked this site, I am that impressed. I’m always on the look out for great quotes to use in social media and my blogging, and this site has much to offer.

Check it out!


I was notified about this site from Flyby Promotions, but writing a review was my idea, and the content includes my opinions and mine alone. I received no products for this post.


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