
Starry Starry Night by D.K. Till

Interview with D. K. Till, author of new release Starry Starry Night, Book I

in her Time Passengers series.

Where did you get the idea for a time travel book?

I have always loved time travel and futuristic stories and movies. The Back to the Future trilogy was an all-time favorite. The twists and turns in the plots made me delightfully dizzy, but also made me wonder, hey, can I create my own delightfully twisty time-travel story that readers won’t want to put down?

Do you think you succeeded?

I believe my readers will enjoy their trip into the future.

How far into the future does it take place?

The Time Passengers in Starry Starry Night live and work a hundred years from now, in 2120. In their first trip to the future, they travel as far forward as a hundred years (technically 98.63 years, or 36,000 days) which lands them in January of 2219. In that world, people travel via rocket ships and speak an unrecognizable language.

Can they travel back in time also?

They can and do, going as far back as 1995. However, their time machine will not let them go further back than October of 1969. Why, you ask? It’s all explained in the book!

Which one was more interesting for you as a writer, traveling back in time, or forward?

The funnest part to write was imagining the world in a hundred years. If current trends hold true, what will life look like in the future? I had to ask a lot of what if’s.

What if warming trends continue? How will future citizens deal with it? Answer: with supertrees, “engineered to grow faster, taller, wider than natural trees.”

What if cars become obsolete, how will people transport themselves? Answer: in autopods that fly on remote control technology! “The autopod lifts into the air like a twenty-first-century helicopter.”

What if we run low on water? Answer: The ocean. “I pour myself a cup of desalinated ocean mineral water.”

As my character Katrice declares, “The future can be anything I imagine it to be.”

Let me introduce you to my story! You can preorder it here:

Learn more about me and sign up for my newsletter here: www.dktill.com

Starry Starry Night: Time Passengers, Book I

2019 – Paige Ferguson and her husband, Kyler, are enjoying life as newlyweds when they learn she is pregnant with twins. Her new friend, Katrice, offers a fun diversion when she asks Paige to read her time-traveling story.  When Katrice disappears, Paige’s search for answers cause her to question everything she thought she knew about her friend. Who was Katrice? A dabbler in the dark side of life, or an ordinary girl who fell victim to a dangerous villain? A serious pregnancy complication threatens Paige’s future with Kyler and her babies. Will she survive childbirth, and will she ever see Katrice again?

2120 – The USA has disappeared, security robots roam everywhere, and cars are a thing of the past. Tree and her boyfriend, Glim, like all citizens of the new nation of Normerica, live in dorms and travel in flying autopods. Glim has perfected the science of time travel, and they set out to explore the future and the past. Curious about an ancient murder that impacted Tree’s family, they travel back in time in hopes of altering history. But Tree suspects there’s more to the story when Glim starts behaving oddly. So she follows him into the past. What she finds there flips her world upside down. If she returns to her home year, her very life could be at risk. Will she stay trapped in the past, or will she find a way to escape the peril awaiting her?

Welcome to the world of D. K. Till, where The Future and The Present collide.

D.K. Till writes Split-Time Fiction With A Twist, a blend of the dual timeline fiction she enjoys mixed with a big helping of the sci-fi she loved as a child. The indie author from the land of microbrews and coffee snobs fell in love with reading in kindergarten when her older sister taught her to read. She used to impress her parents’ friends by reading aloud the entire short story The One Hundred Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. In first grade, she knew she wanted to write stories, too. Throughout her childhood and teens, she either had her nose in a book or was attempting to write one.

But life got in the way, marriage and children set her dreams aside for higher purposes. Today, with children grown and retirement pending, she’s reopened that dream package and is now living the life she had only imagined.

The author is a huge fan of the Back to the Future trilogy, inspiring her to write time travel, too. Thus the Time Passengers series was born. A classic rock lover, she plans to name her titles after hit rock songs of the 70s. After the release of Starry Starry Night, be on the lookout for books #2 and #3, Midnight Rider and Nights in White Satin.

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