
Braving Strange Waters by Sarah Hanks

Braving Strange Waters is an inspirational time-slip novel that released on April 15th. For fun, I’m interviewing Stella, the main character, today. Let’s see what she has to say.

Sarah: Welcome, Stella. Thanks for giving us this quick interview right after stepping off your cruise. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Stella: Gosh, this is strange. I’m normally the one asking the questions.

Sarah: That’s right. You’re a journalist, yes?

Stella:  Yeah. I’m the editor of a small paper. It’s… well, I know it’s not the New York Times, but it’s such an honor to have this position so soon out of college. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Even if… well, never mind.

Sarah: So, you’re the editor of a paper, and you’re engaged to be married, is that right?

Stella: Yes! Everett and I are getting married next week. I can’t believe it.

Sarah: And this cruise you just went on was your bachelorette cruise?

Stella: Yes. My best friend Wendy arranged everything. She’s the best. Wendy and Claire are my closest friends and I love them to pieces.

Sarah: Did you have a good time with them? How were the beaches?

Stella: Actually, we didn’t get to spend much time together. And I never had the chance to visit a beach.

Sarah: Because?

Stella: You’re never going to believe this. I sound crazy. But I spent most of the cruise on a different boat.

Sarah: A different boat? What boat would that be?

Stella: The steamboat Arabia.

Sarah: Didn’t that sink in the Missouri river in 1856?

Stella: Yes. Yes it did. And I was there.

Here’s the back cover blurb for Braving Strange Waters:

Stella Lindy is supposed to be soaking up the sunshine with her bridesmaids on a bachelorette cruise to Hawaii. But when she hits the wrong button on the elevator, the glamorous luxury of the modern ship is replaced with the Missouri River steamboat Arabia filled with strangers—and a mysterious doctor informs her it is 1856.

Communicating through an antique mailbox, her friends on the cruise try to guide her back home before the steamboat sinks, but Stella finds herself caught in a tangled web between pro-slavery Border Ruffians and anti-slavery Jayhawkers. Standing up for what’s right in the face of peril and uncertainty might mean never making it home.

Braving Strange Waters is a riveting time-slip novel with memorable characters, exciting twists, and rich internal conflict that fans of Gabrielle Meyer will love.

Purchase it here. https://a.co/d/iWZX02B

Sarah Hanks is an award-winning author of Christian fiction in both the contemporary and historical genres. After spending over a decade mostly writing and teaching Sunday school curricula for churches in her community, she jumped into writing fiction full-time with her split-time novel Mercy Will Follow Me. She and her husband have nine children, a couple of whom seem to have inherited their mother’s love for playing with words and crafting stories. Though Sarah dreams of a cabin by the beach, the family lives jammed together in beautiful chaos near St. Louis, Missouri. She buys earplugs in bulk.

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