That’s Not Quite My Name

I met my husband’s family before I met my husband. Their last name was a tongue twister for my mom. When we started dating and she knew it was serious, she admitted she was never going to get the name right.

And she never did.

When I’m online for a book event, I spell my name out so hopefully in the future there will be name recognition. It’s Are-due-we-knee. Is that how you thought Arduini was pronounced?

I have another name that isn’t quite the way it should be. When I started writing as a ministry, I knew I needed a brand. Someone suggested the Surrendered Scribe. My heart is about finding freedom in Christ through surrender. Great.

One problem.

Surrendered is past tense.

Surrendering Scribe doesn’t have the same ring to it, but it’s certainly more accurate. Whether it’s fiction, blogging, or posting on social media, I share my journey. Often I’m still going through it, and we’re learning and surrendering together.

But this I know, I haven’t mastered anything but mistakes.

If you are a new reader, I hope that encourages you. I changed my tag to “Together we’re surrendering the good, the bad, and—maybe one day—the chocolate.

That’s accurate.

We are in this together. Some of you might be letting go of bad habits or choices. Maybe God has asked you to surrender a home or familiar place that is good, but He has something better. My sense is many can relate to my struggle, chocolate. A little isn’t bad. Lately I’m off balance. But I’m having trouble letting go of that today.

There you have it. My name is not Julie Ard-weenie, and I’m not really the Surrendered Scribe.

I am Julie Arduini, and I’m a Kingdom minded wife, mom, grandma, author and mentor who is surrendering stuff right along with you.

—Julie Arduini

Thanks for taking the journey with me!

If you’d like to find me other places, the best thing to do is visit me on Link Tree.

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