Pizza for a Good Cause

Growing up, there were a couple pizza franchises that you knew delivered a meal that was affordable, but that was about it. Well, decades later those same places have upped their game. The prices remain reasonable in this crazy economy, but the taste is amazing. Little Caesar’s is one of those franchises.
Even better is that Little Caesar’s offers fundraising opportunities. Our grandson participated earlier this year, and what we ordered was shipped to our house and was amazing. We feasted for real.
This year the youth group I help out with felt God wanted them to raise $10,000 for Speed the Light. STL is a ministry that provides transportation for missionaries across the nation and throughout 180 countries worldwide. Whether it be a bike, camel, or auto, monies youth groups give help missionaries take the gospel to the remotest of places.
Our group is near halfway there.
I created this fundraiser with my daughter as an easy way for our teens to share a link to their friends, neighbors, family members, even social media for people like you to order delicious Little Caesar products. Like I wrote, they are shipped to you and I can attest, it’s GOOD. You can prepare right away or store in your freezer. Most of all, your purchase helps missionaries receive needed transportation through Speed the Light.
It would mean a lot if you would check the link out and share with others. It would mean everything if you purchase. Youth ministry is my favorite age group, and Speed the Light is more important than ever.
Thank you!