Are You a Fixer?

Growing up, the ultimate fixer was MacGyver. Guy could be sitting on a bomb with his legs tied and darn it if he didn’t find duct tape within reach and diffuse the bomb with seconds to spare. He got the job done.
This month I’ve watched several people close to me struggle, suffer, and grieve. Anything from weariness and loss to realizing they were being manipulated and left out.
And my first, second, and third reactions to all the scenarios was to spring into action. I was going to set up a meeting. Start a campaign. Whisper some sassy remarks to bully for a taste of their medicine. Oh, how I was strategizing. After all, who wants to see anyone hurt? Not me, and not MacGyver.
I was on my recumbent bike pedaling away as the ideas came together. Suddenly I felt a little sentence drop into my thought process.
You are not a fixer.
I Am.
Because of my relationship with Christ, I also enjoy the benefits of having the Holy Spirit active in my life. Known as a teacher, guide, and counselor, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate accountability partner. And I KNOW He was the voice giving me a check.
It’s not my job to take over. It isn’t healthy for me to meddle. The battles are not mine to fight. Or yours.
Julie arduini
But God is enough to handle all of it.
He had the ability to make a donkey talk so a fool would change his ways. Numbers 22:21-39
He used a trumpet blast instead of duct tape to cause walls to fall and give Israelites their promised land. Joshua 5:13-6:27
He is so powerful He split the sea so that the Israelites had dry ground to travel when Pharoah and the Egyptians were hot on their tail. When the very last Israelite, I picture a young family with young children including a newborn, or perhaps an elderly couple with arthritis, reached the other side, the sea returned to flood stages and every single Egyptian perished. Exodus 14: 19-31
That’s my God.
And that’s yours, too, if you choose to trust Him.
As you can read, sometimes I forget. Or, honestly, sometimes I ignore that fact.
The MacGyver look isn’t a good one for me, or you. Of course there are times we must advocate, but deep down, you know what the fixing problem is.
You don’t need duct tape or your mind running with all the ideas.
Trust God and know, KNOW He has you and every single person you care about.
Let’s discuss. Are you a fixer? Feel free to leave a comment below, or find me via Linktree.