Do’s & Don’ts During Isolation

So our school is positioned for remote learning until May 1, with the potential to keep going until the end of the school year. It’s going well, great in fact, but to hear this isn’t ending was hard. Still is. Add it’s chilly and rainy and generally blah, it’s easy to fall into a funk.
Earlier this week I shared some Do suggestions for this isolation. One I can add is we have a white board and a felt board. We often use them so we know who in the family is going where, when. Obviously, we’ve got nothing going on. Our white board is full of promises of who God is and we are because of Christ. Boy, I need to read good news like that.
The felt board is for fun. We love The Office, Friends, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, so we use quotes from there. This week it’s from The Office. The quote? Pizza is the great equalizer. I walk past and I know the episode, and I can see Michael Scott saying it. And I smile. Win!
Today I share the Don’ts.
Don’t forget a routine. During the week I tend to feel great and notice time goes by. Why? I have a schedule. I keep an alarm, I do all the morning routine stuff that I would do if I was taking our teen to school. I keep my prayer and reading time, even extending that a bit for this season. Dinner is the same time. It has made such a difference. Weekends have been harder. We don’t have a lot of structure on weekends, that was always great because we’d unwind and rest from the week. So routine. Don’t lose it.
Don’t Cave to the Craving. Me? I’ve been intermittent fasting and that works for me. But when I feel like things are out of control, I start snacking and it’s not carrots. The carbs make me feel bloated and of course, weight is issue. As you (and I) reach for the chocolate and chips, ask why. Is it boredom? Hunger? Need something to feel better? Nine times out of ten, I’m not hungry and I don’t need it. I try to drink water with flavor drops instead. I’ll play Word Stacks or read to feed my mind.

Don’t Do Drugs, Kids. And adults. I know there are benefits to a glass of wine, and I understand how refreshing a cold beer might be after mowing the lawn. I’m speaking to the need for alcohol, pot, and even prescription drugs to numb your feelings. These are depressants and you will not feel better from it. I understand marijuana has medicinal uses. But if you use these things to escape your situation, it won’t end well for you. Get outside. Call a friend. Visit an online church service. But don’t numb your emotions and don’t take things that are classifed to bring you down further.
Don’t Visit the Dark Side of Technology. The last post talked about Zoom, concerts, and YouTube content that brings smiles and connection to those we can’t see in person right now. But the internet also has a very dark side you don’t need. If p*rn is something you struggle with, PLEASE find someone who is in a strong place spiritually and emotionally and is of the same gender as you and ask them to check in on you and keep you accountable. If it is something you’re tempted to check out, DON’T. It is an ember of temptation that ignites into a wildfire you can NOT control. It ruins relationships, families, marriages, finances. I’ve yet to meet one person who shared their struggle with me who said it was a good choice. Not. One.
Same goes for online gambling, chat sites, etc…If you are married, you have zero business visiting places that connect you with the opposite gender. Online gambling is another spark that can escalate fast and the devastation it causes scars everyone around for years. Decades.
Don’t Make Rash Decisions. Already I’m reading that divorce filings are up. People are giving themselves bold hairstyles. Whatever idea is mulling around, think it through. We WILL be in public again. Do you want that dye job or cut to be your look when you’re back at work? If you’re struggling in marriage, please talk to a third party that has wisdom. There are counselors ready to talk on the phone. Pastors are available as well. There are resources on FamilyLife. This IS a tough time. But don’t use this season as one where you make choices that are against who you really are, are rebellious/sinful, or even illiegal.
Note: I am not referring to anyone who is going through abuse of ANY kind. If you are experiencing physical, verbal, or emotional abuse, PLEASE seek help.
Are there any other Don’t Suggestions you can think of? Share them in the comments or email me at We WILL get through this. I promise!