Silver and Bold

Last year my sister purchased a cricut machine and through her I’m learning all the amazing thngs you can do with it. She joked that it was going to be a “Cricut Christmas” and as I look at my customized water bottle, I’ve been also thinking about possible shirts she could make for me.
One of the ideas I have is buying a purple shirt and having her put “Silver and Bold” on it. My transformation to gray hair is nearly complete, and having the courage to stop dying (only because the color refused to hold) was tough. I was brought up that gray hair isn’t seen, ever. I didn’t know what the results would be like, and I was terrified it would age me just when I’m about to hit the 5-0 milestone.

The praise is it’s a poppin’ mix of gray, white, and even a tinge of red/brown left. I’ve NEVER had so many compliments. I have zero regrets.
But it was a bold step for me, even if it was nothing for the next person. I think all of us have an image of something bold we’d like to accomplish, but fear holds us back. What will others think? What if I fail? What if no one shows up? These are things that cross my mind daily. I have a feeling they do for you, too.
This year I’m turning 50 and already my wheels are turning. I refuse to mourn, and I refuse to do anything mediocre about it. I love my husband, but he hates celebrating birthdays. He’s not good at it, and he admits it. He felt a pressure about what his obligation was for me and I told him nothing. Honestly, I’m hard to surprise because I’m that obnoxious. But I want to do something bold.
When Lucy Swindoll turned 50 (I think that was the age,) she rented a hearse and had a celebration with friends.
That’s bold.
Although I don’t think that’s the direction I’m going, I’m pushing myself to do something out of my comfort zone, something that aligns with my word of the year, and well, something bold.
More to come. Promise.
And while I work on that, I’m trying to do something bold once a month. Please understand bold doesn’t mean illegal or outside of God’s will. I’m not advocating standing up to a bully and challenging them to a duel. But I’m inviting you along for the ride. Are you afraid of public speaking? Did you want to learn to knit but never tried? If it’s out of your comfort zone than I consider that bold. It doesn’t have to be pricey or take a ton of time or travel.
Julie ArDuini
You in?
I’ll try to post an update next month and ask how you are doing, too. Feel free to leave a comment if you have an update or want to share your bold plans.
Let’s do this!
One of my favorite characters remains Jenna Anderson from my first book, Entrusted. Girl had one phone interview for a job in the Adirondack Mountains and moved there from Ohio. Talk about bold. But she’s got a lot to learn, starting with don’t mess with the grocer, Ben Regan. Check it out today!