
New Release: The Blackgaard Chronicles Cross-Check

In this third installment of The Blackgaard Chronicles™, the evil Dr. Regis Blackgaard continues to scheme through his henchmen to gain access to Whit’s End and the Applesauce program. One underling, Richard Maxwell, seeks to corrupt Whit’s young friends and even becomes an arsonist. Can Whit and the cause of good prevail?

I’ve said it more than once, some of my favorite moments have been in the car listening to Adventures in Odyssey. My husband is as big of a fan as anyone, and as an amateur thespian in community theater years ago, he appreciates a great performance. Dr. Regis Blackgaard never disappoints. I’d love for that guy to read out of the phone book. What a rich, deep voice!

Well, Dr. Blackgaard isn’t just a voice, he’s also in books. The Blackgaard Chronicles has a new release, Cross-Check. You can check it out HERE.

I’m part of a blogging team for Adventures in Odyssey Club. That means I post materials from AIOC in exchange for club membership. I’m a huge fan of all things Adventures in Odyssey, so I hope you check out Cross-Check!

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