How I’d Handle “Aunt Becky”
Unless you’ve been off grid this week, you’ve heard about the college scandal involving celebrity parents, coaches, and wealthy parents allegedly paying to assure their child earned a spot at a desired college through illegal means that include mail fraud. I think like the rest of the world, I was shocked at the names attached to the scandal: TV moms Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman. They’ve played wholesome mom figures and have until this point, avoided the tabloids.
Lori Loughlin’s situation probably hits the hardest because she’s been in the business since she was a teen, and she has steady roles on The Hallmark Channel. She’s the type of person that you’d expect to hear a sparkle sound when you see her. She just seemed to shine.

It was also apparent to me through interviews and social media that Lori, like me, is a proud mom.
As much as I’ve admired her career, the allegations amidst the mounting evidence the FBI has talked about leaves a sick feeling in my stomach. I remember how hard I studied for my entrance exams, and how our son studied. I’ve watched young people work two, sometimes three jobs to pay tuition. I’ve read about homeless teens furthering their education through hard, hard work.
Apparently, Lori and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giunnuli, not only paid $500,000 to a charity that didn’t exist but was instead meant to assure their daughters were accepted to USC, they also did so under the guise of the girls being crew recruits. The girls were not enrolled in any athletic program associated with rowing, yet posed for pictures as if they were.
I understand there are so many global issues that deserve our prayers and attention. However, there is an armchair planner in me that wanted to think this one out because it’s such a slap in the face to hard working families who want their children to further their education. With that in mind, if I had any authority at all, these are the things I would do:
If I were part of Lori’s legal team: Make a deal. Do not deny. There’s too much evidence.
If I were the judge/jury: This sounds harsh, but I think Lori and her husband should see some jail time. These are federal crimes. I understand this corruption goes beyond Hollywood, but in this specific case, there is proof both parents were involved, and a LOT of money was exchanged. They arranged for photo shoots. It’s so blatant and arrogant that I think consequences are important. Why them and not Felicity Huffman? I guess for my armchair processing, they didn’t exchange as much money or push their child as far as I can see to be directly involved. Although they talked about getting “help” for their second daughter’s testing, they ultimately decided not to. Huffman deserves consequences, they all do. But “Aunt Becky” and her husband? Jail time.
If I were Lori/Mossimo’s PR Team: First, I’d need more money because what a job these folks have before them. I’d make darn sure the children filled out a real application for a fast food restaurant and make darn sure they legit worked there for two years. Not just photo opps, but get their manicured hands dirty. It’s a rite of passage for most teens and it teaches a great work ethic.
Then, I’d have the parents establish a huge, jaw-dropping scholarship that fulfills many, many, MANY tuitions for students that would otherwise not be able to attend college. That these monies would cover every college expense for many students, for many years. That Lori, her husband, and daughters would not just cover the check, but meet the families and be “invested” in every aspect of the process.
THEN, I’d make darn sure the entire family serves regularly in a place that helps families. Serve at a soup kitchen. Work at a homeless shelter. Whatever it is, make sure it is not photographed or manipulated, but true volunteering far away from their mansion. Again, get their hands dirty. Make them intersect with other tax brackets and realize most people work hard for so little.
THEN, I’d shut down the daughter’s social media. Too many videos are coming to light where Olivia has opened her mouth and made the situation much worse. First it was the quote about how she only wants to experience the fun part of college, not the school work. Yesterday I read that she spilled that her dad basically faked college by taking tuition money and using it to start his fashion line. To her, the bottom line is hey, my parents did pretty well for not going to college. To the rest of the world, you are digging a home you can’t climb out of and proving to us that your parents only taught you that deception works. Plus, the comments these girls are receiving are brutal at best. Although I think these girls are involved more than other children in the scandal, they are still young. I couldn’t handle global hate directed at me, could you? Shut those accounts down and get them working at McDonalds. Yesterday.
If I were USC: Expel the girls. Overhaul the system. It’s broken.
If I were Sephora, Tres Semme and all the other brands that profit off Olivia Jade posting content: Sever ties and vet your spokespeople. I know name recognition is important, but there are some kids hustling the right way. Give them the opportunities. Not the girls who have every opportunity in the world and take them for granted.
There. It’s amateur, it’s opinion, but it’s what I’ve been thinking.
You know what else I’ve been thinking?
We are a society so tempted to put pretty people on a pedestal. We think nice people wear halos. You know what? We all fall short. Every single one of us. And Mother Theresa never walked a runway, but I can’t think of anyone more beautiful than her when it comes to what matters.
This scandal was a reminder for me. I do believe in grace, that everyone deserves forgiveness because Christ forgave me. But—we also deserve consequences. As a society, we need to keep each other accountable with our choices and how we idolize people.
Something I’ll think of every time I see “Aunt Becky.”