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The Dream Changed

When I was a child, I had a recurring dream that either my mom or I was driving a car up the exit that led to our mall, and the brakes went out. Even as a kid I figured it meant something, and most likely, we both wanted to control something we couldn’t, and life felt like a free fall. True or not, those years at times felt like that, and as I grew up, the dream changed.

As a young adult, the dream switched to me being at my parent’s house. I was either outside or on the front porch and I could see a plane, and I knew it was crashing. It either crashed on the property, or nearby. I either was able to get to it and help, or I wanted to.

Then I grew in my Christian faith and had been married for a few years. This is where I’ve been for a few years. The dream is I am preparing to travel. I am either packing or I am at the airport. There are always delays and setbacks that prevent me from ever getting on that plane. Either I got the wrong time, I packed wrong, something happened at the terminal, whatever the case, I never got close to the plane.

In the last year, I’ve at least made it to the airport, but still, delays. Most of the time I got lost in the airport and missed the flight. I knew the flight every time was international. I was so frustrated because I knew I’d waited a long time for this, and I missed it.

Then last week.

I packed. I made it to the airport. I got lost, I even got held up in lines. I was even sent a few places within the airport and no one seemed to know what was happening. I remember being in the air and feeling nervous and excited. Suddenly I was outside trying to find my way. There was a path that went around a pond, and I knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. When I asked for directions, I was pointed to another line with extra railcars near by. I knew I needed to watch for bad men who were trying to traffic people.

I also knew I was in France.

That’s it.

What does it mean?????

I do know God uses dreams as a means to speak to His people. I don’t think every dream is from Him, I know when I eat really late or take medicine, those dreams are just nutsy.

I do think the recurring international travel dream means something. I know that He has created me to write and in time, those books will open doors for me to speak. I believe that’s a global call on my life. As I speak, it isn’t the books or even the speaking that is my purpose in life. It’s after the crowds leave, and a remnant stays, wanting to share. When I pray for that group, that is why I exist.

Does it mean that after all the waiting and delays, there is now confirmation that yes, I’ll see the global, the speaking and prayer part come true?

Maybe yes. Maybe no.

I don’t know.

But I know Who does. So I’ll ask for interpretation and wait on it, still writing.

And dreaming.

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