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Annual Thankful Submissions Needed

Thankful_editedMy guess is the tradition is almost ten years old. It receives a lot of traffic and the private feedback I get is always uplifting. The posts inspire. Impact.

It’s my annual thankful series.

Each November I open this blog to guests who share why they are thankful. They can be as little as a paragraph and as much as 750 words. If someone goes way over, I suggest they take two slots.

The posts can be serious or humorous.

No one needs to be a writer. Just a thankful person.

I need submissions!

Here’s what you do:

  1. Choose your November date by signing up HERE.  Check off the sign up box on the right for your desired day, and click the box in the bottom center that says submit. If you don’t do this, you are not signed up. You WILL receive a reminder from SignUp Genius, so check your folders. You won’t receive a reminder from me.
  2. Write your thankful post and send to juliearduini@juliearduini.com with a brief bio and an optional picture. If you are an author, you are invited to share a blurb, purchase link and book cover to your newest release. You can write your thankful post from your character POV, if you desire. Make sure you sign off the way you want the public to know. Ex: Julie A. or Julie Arduini or anonymous.

That’s it!

I’d love to keep this tradition going, but I can’t do it without YOU. The simplest thankful sentiments tend to mean the most. Don’t be afraid to share yours!

Thank You!!!

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