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Kick Off Fall with the Books for Life Book Club Featuring Entrusted

  • Leaves changing color.
  • Pumpkin flavored everything.
  • Book Clubs starting new reads.

That’s a great sounding fall, isn’t it?

I can help you connect with a great book club because one starts Thursday. The best news? You don’t need to leave home nor worry about others coming to you. Wear your sweats, visit when you can. Most of all, enjoy a fun romance that introduces you to a great set of characters who are working through surrendering fear, loss, change, and wanting to belong.

How do I know so much about this book club? It’s the Books for Life group page on Goodreads featuring authors from Write Integrity Press and Pix-N-Pens as well as other authors and readers all over cyberspace. The book club is one aspect of the group. We have discussions covering many reading related topics. Genres, favorite heroes, and more.

Entrusted FRONT Cover_editedThe Books for Life book club kicks off with Entrusted, my Adirondack romance. Each Thursday I’ll post discussion questions that you can answer any time. I’ll be checking in often to answer and hope you do, too.  Then, meet me on the page each Thursday at 8pm EST and we’ll talk about the chapters and I’ll share behind-the-scenes information. I’m really looking forward to it. Even if you haven’t read the chapters, please visit the page. I think we’ll have a good time.

Purchase links and the reading schedule are posted. Go on over, introduce yourself, and I’ll see you Thursday!

Entrusted Blurb:

Jenna Anderson, sassy city-girl, plows—literally—into Speculator Falls with a busted GPS, arriving in town as the new senior center director. She has only one goal—that of belonging no matter how out of place she appears and how angry she makes town councilman and grocer Ben Regan.

Her new life is so rural there are no traffic lights, and when she learns her car isn’t equipped to handle the mountain terrain, Ben’s grandmother offers her late husband’s vehicle, further alienating the local businessman.

As she endears herself to the seniors at the center and creates a vision full of ideas, programs, and equipment, she ruffles Ben’s plans to keep Speculator Falls void of change, including the store his grandfather built.

The two work through community events and shared heartbreak only to face off in a town council meeting where Ben publically rejects her proposal for the senior center, causing Jenna to react out of her fears about belonging.

She returns to Ohio where she realizes she needs to surrender her plans for the center and fears about belonging and trust her Heavenly Father when facing fear, change, loss, and love.  

Click here to visit the Books for Life group page.

Click here to visit the Books for Life book club.

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