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Sabbath Sunday: Beyond the Woods



Each Sunday I take my own amateur nature photo and share a thought or two about God’s love.

Fairy tales are a popular theme these days and I’m a fan like everyone else. There’s Once Upon a Time, Maleficent, Cinderella is coming out, and right now, Into the Woods.

But real life hasn’t shown me a carriage or a fairy godmother.

And when life is hard, going into the woods is not full of music and dancing.

It stinks.

Probably why wilderness is named that and not rainbows and sprinkles fun time.

Thing is, the wilderness is where I’ve grown the most. It’s isolating by choice. Not only did the Lord put me there to have me to Himself, to prepare and teach me, I had to surrender to it. At first I fought the wilderness tooth and nail. Who signs up for that kind of torture? Not me.

But I realized that once you’re into the woods, there is a destination. Beyond the woods. There will be a clearing. The sun will shine. And I emerge stronger, taller, and because of my trust in Jesus, I’m a force to be reckoned with.

And that’s something to sing and dance about.

Can you relate?

My favorite verse about the wilderness is Hosea 2:14. May it encourage you today.


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