Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski
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Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski

Walking in Favor   I used to think walking in God’s favor meant walking in the fulfillment of my dreams. The problem, I am a visionary, hating status quo  and relentlessly in  pursuit heaven on earth. No matter how many answered prayers I experience the unfulfilled ones made a larger impact; it left me feeling…

Thankful: A Choice We Make by Martha Rogers
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Thankful: A Choice We Make by Martha Rogers

Being thankful is a choice we make. Rather than complaining about what we don’t have, we chose to be thankful for what we do have. Paul said it best in Philippians 4:13: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or…

Thankful: Sifting Gold by Holly Hrywnak
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Thankful: Sifting Gold by Holly Hrywnak

It’s be one of those years.   Ya’ll know what I mean by that. A season marked with tears, struggle, heartache, frustration and bills. Lots and lots of bills without the lots and lots of money to go with it.   One year ago, I found myself in the hospital for a 6-day stay without…

Thankful: Our Kind Father by Fay Lamb
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Thankful: Our Kind Father by Fay Lamb

I have to admit that when it comes to thankfulness, I am not the poster child God would use. I often fail to rest in thanksgiving for all that He has bestowed. Oh, my. Every breath I take comes from Him. As I look over the last year, I find that I am most thankful…

Video of the Week: Amelia’s Legacy by Betty Thomason Owens
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Video of the Week: Amelia’s Legacy by Betty Thomason Owens

This week’s video of the week in the right sidebar is Amelia’s Legacy by Better Thomason Owens. It’s the Roaring Twenties and anything goes … Orphaned and living with her grandmother since the age of six, Nancy Sanderson desires only her freedom from her strict grandmother, Amelia Woods Sanderson, who divides her time between Nancy…