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Sabbath Sunday: That Brilliant Sun


Each Sunday I share my own nature photo along with a thought or two about God’s love for you.

January in NE Ohio probably isn’t a top tourist destination stop. It’s often known for cloud cover, and this year, we saw several days where the windchill was -30.

Yet, here’s this picture. From January.

Brilliant sun in an unexpected place.

You probably don’t think of yourself as a brilliant sun, do you?

At home, do you think of yourself more as the yeller than the encourager?

Are you the wallflower at work?

When it comes to the top names in your class, are you #11?

Don’t focus on what the world thinks.

You were created by your Heavenly Father to shine.

Yes, you.

In the darkest of corners, you are a light.

You are brilliant.

You have a purpose.

You can move past failures and mistakes.

And be that presence, thanks to God, no one was expecting.

And no one can stay away from.



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