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Thanksgiving 2013: Perspective and Abundance


Thanksgiving speaks so many things to me.

Pumpkin pie.


Thanksgiving parade.


Time passing on traditions in the kitchen.

No matter where we are, Ohio or New York,

just the four of us or extended family,

I always try to take extra time to reflect on our blessings.

The word God gave me for 2013 was abundance.

What a beautiful word.

And what a faithful God.

Abundance of healing after losing my mother-in-law.

Abundance of family time with a vacation we saved years for.

Abundance of unity with fellow believers as we chose forgiveness together.

Abundance of God’s provision as we have a new pastor we know God handpicked for such a time as this.

Abundance of time to write so I could finish my first novel.

Abundance of prayers from others to help direct my writing steps.

Abundance of laughter as I navigate life as a wife, mom, writer, mentor.

Abundance of healing as my wrist is well.

Abundance of unexpected blessings as I was able to travel to the Adirondacks with my mom.

Abundance of new opportunities as we close doors and open new ones, with His leading.

Abundance of clothes on our backs and closets.

Abundance of food on the table and in cupboards.

Abundance, abundance, abundance.

I also realized this season to have abundance also means choosing perspective, perspective, perspective.

May your perspective this Thanksgiving be about abundant blessings!

Thank you for reading today. I appreciate you!

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