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Sabbath Sunday: The Windy Road



Each Sunday I take my own amateur nature picture and share a thought or two about God’s specific love through Christ for you.

I’m originally from Steuben County in Upstate NY and for ten years, I worked for that county. We sometimes did home visits and you never knew what kind of road conditions you would find, but they were usually interesting.

This is a road in western Steuben, the backway between Bath and Hornell. We recently took it to show a city teen what the windmills look like.

As we got out of the car and took pictures of the windmills, I saw this view.

Isn’t life just like this road?

Up. Down.

Flat, then curvy.

Deep plunges. Wide valleys.

No matter what I’m walking through, I know this.

I don’t travel alone.

You don’t either.

If the path is curvy and plunging, full of more downs than ups, it’s not to torture you.

It’s to grow you and give you a platform to encourage others who share your story.

And advance His Kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

Even in a windy road.

Picture taken with my Galaxy 3

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