When someone asks me to sign “Hope for Tomorrow”, I typically sign something personal to them and then I have a special signature. A part of the signature is using Philippians 4:6-7. It is my life verse for several reasons.
By nature, I am an anxious person. Looking back on my childhood, I can see many occasions where I had a lot of anxiety. Looking back to my adult life, as early as last year, I had major anxiety, so much so that the anxiety led to attacks. That took me out of a normal mind set and put everything on hyper drive. It’s scary not to have control, sometimes by choice and other times by choice. That is why Phil. 4:6-7 is so meaningful. When I first became a believer, I had taped the verse into the front cover of my Bible. I recently found that Bible. It made me smile.
Today, I find myself going back to that verse more times than I like to admit. One would think repeating in my mind once would be enough to settle my thoughts and heart. Not this crazy girl! I am not having an anxiety attack. No. More like waiting anxiously attack!
We have an offer in on another house. This one is smaller than what I would like, but as my friend Justin Moody reminds me, it would be less to clean!

It has a nice backyard with a fort and swing set already set up. Okay, hold on a minute. Just by writing about it, I am overly thinking about it.
Wait while I go back to my verse. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God (I want this house, Lord), with thanksgiving (I thank you for Your answer in advance and I thank You for the house we live in now), and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (guard my hear, precious Lord).”
I’m back. Not going to go into detail about the house. That gets me thinking. Anyway, I have prayed about this verse most of the day. I’m still waiting for the peace that passes all understanding to guard my heart. That may be my own fault, though. I need to not be anxious.
As I wait on the Lord, I know His ways are not my ways, His thoughts certainly are not my thoughts. His ways and thoughts are higher. And so, I shall trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. No matter what the outcome of this house situation is, I know God’s got it. He knows best. I don’t see the big picture. I only see a small snapshot. How I love that God is in control! If He would have given me what I asked for previously, I know I would be very disappointed! God always answers. Sometimes with a yes, or a maybe, or a no. While I pray this is a yes, I will trust God even if it is a no!

Joi Copeland is married to a wonderful man, Chris, and has three amazing boys, Garrison, Gage, and Gavin. She is living the dream in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Joi loves being a wife and mom! She enjoys spending time with her sister Steffanne, and loves to sit and have a cup of coffee or tea with friends! She’s been a Christian for over twenty years. Following Jesus has been the best decision she has ever made. Joi’s other books are Hope for Tomorrow, Hope for the Journey, Christmas Rayne, and Sheriff Bride Rob’s Story.
Purchase Hope for Tomorrow here.
Visit Joi Copeland’s Amazon page.