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Book Review: Dreams and Visions–Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World by Tom Doyle

Imagine being Muslim and seeing Jesus in a dream.

I love reading books about how people came to know Jesus in a personal way. Some lived in a home where He was welcome, and it was a natural progression for them to ask Jesus to be their Savior. Some lived in that home but wanted nothing to do with Him until something happened and they opened their hearts to a personal relationship with Christ. There are some that had little clue who He was or what He was about until someone shared that life-changing message.

But this is my favorite way of all–a personal encounter with Jesus Himself.

This is a fact the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know, but Tom Doyle shares uplifting testimony after testimony on what I’ve heard for the last five years—Jesus is appearing to people in dreams and visions in countries closed to Christ. And where the government will say God is not welcome, He can’t be stopped.

519m4CYEpOL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_The stories are fascinating, and the author breaks it down by region. A snippet I will share is “Dina’s” story, someone so embedded in the country and their teachings that she would call a Christian show and mock the host. Her job was to take care of those found to be converts to Christ. She wasn’t just tough, she was hardened.

But one call was not only mocking, but desperate. Her mother was quite sick, and they developed a suicide pact. In fact, she scoffed, the were going to do so live on the air during this show. The host said you know, wait a week. Give God a week to change things. She made fun of him, but agreed, emphasizing their suicides would be on the air live, if he dared take her call. He agreed, if she would say a prayer with Him. It was a commitment prayer to Jesus, and she did, believing in a week’s time she’d get the final word.

What happened is miraculous and if only that story were in the book, it would be worth getting just to hear what happened to Dina and her mom. Yet there is so much more. The average American has no idea the persecution that goes on for the sake of Christ. We take our freedoms for granted, and I believe we are heading into days not so far away where even our freedoms will be restricted.

I can’t say enough about this book. Whether you want to make fun of it or cry tears of joy, I challenge you to get your hands on Dreams and Visions–Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World. I believe it will awaken you, too.

What would you do if Jesus appeared to you in a dream? What if He came to you in a vision and told you to follow Him? What if these visions continued for over thirty days? Would you believe? Would you put your trust in him? Would you devote your life to him?

Would you if you were Muslim?

Pastor Tom Doyle has spent eleven years as a  full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia, spreading the word of Jesus Christ. Throughout his journey he has encountered a staggering number of Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through a vision or dream so powerful that they eventually turned from their lifelong religion of Islam and embraced Christ as their Savior. Despite living in a culture where converting to Christianity can result in execution, these former Muslims have found hope, peace, and inspiration that comes from knowing Christ. Their stories will amaze you. Jesus is reaching out to the Muslims and they are responding. Did you know that Iran has the fastest growing church in the world?

Dreams and Visions is a remarkable collection of stories directly from the world of Islam. Doyle not only relates these stories, but also addresses the questions: Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world? Can dreams be trusted? What happens after these dreams or visions occur?

Travel to the heart of the Middle East to meet new believers who have truly been touched by Jesus in the most miraculous way, through their nightly dreams.

I read this book as a promotion from Thomas Nelson Publishers and received it in exchange for an honest review.


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