Sabbath Sunday: Get Your Feet Wet
Sabbath Sunday is my weekly post where I share an amateur nature picture taken by yours truly, along with a few words of encouragement that God has for you. That’s right, you aren’t here by accident, and if you read this and it just hits you, I don’t know. But God does, and He asked me to write this, for you. If that specific love for you is something you want to know more about, make sure you check out my free gift page.
Last June I had the opportunity to show the kids the state park their dad and I had our first date of sorts. It’s the Watkins Glen State Park in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. It’s gorgeous and serene and quite the work out. I believe 840 steps to the top.
During this trip, it rained quite a bit that week so things were wet. The trail is rocky with moss. There are waterfalls that spit water back on the path. It’s slippery on a good day.
Before long our shoes were wet and dirty.

Our footgear started so pure and dry. A puddle here, slick moss there, a slap of a waterfall and things didn’t look so clean.
Just like my life.
And yours.
I can keep my sneakers pristine—if I never wear them. But if I truly want to live life, I’m going to get my feet dirty.
I make mistakes. I sin, as hard as I want to justify and sugarcoat my choices, I out and out rebel. That’s a soil on my shoe that the harder I rub to get it out, the more embedded the stain becomes.
But if we yield, if we take God’s extended hand and let Him lift us up out of the mud, He will clean us. And the journey He put us on long before we were a thought to our parents, it had purpose, it always does. Mess is part of the process. It’s what grows us, and again, if we yield to the One who loves us most, what an adventure. The views and landscapes are second to none because God created them just for you.
It was a long day. It would have been easier to stay home. I know when I’m frustrated I want to quit. Why bother? I’ll whine. I’m certain all people will see when they look at me are my dirty, wet shoes.
But God.
He sees me (and you) as His beloved. There’s no one on Earth rooting for you harder than Your Heavenly Father. He wants you to keep moving forward, dirty shoes and all. Extend your hand into His. Trust Him.
Because up the stairs and through tunnels, the end comes.

And even with soggy socks, stained sneakers, and beleaguered bones—it’s worth the journey.
Every time.
Trust God with your journey. Never mind you aren’t perfect, you never will be. Let Jesus and His perfection guide you.
Get your feet wet today!