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Book Review: The Essential Guide to Healing

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review, yet I’ve been reading quite a bit.

Bethany House Book Reviews sent me Bill Johnson and Randy Clark’s Essential Guide to Healing: Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick. This was an easy to read book that contained practical yet Biblical instruction and examples from the mens’ experiences. They admit they aren’t God nor do they have anything perfected. But as a woman who believes in Jesus’ name we can move mountains, I appreciated the material in this book.

I think this is a must have for prayer warriors and those with a heart for the sick

The Bible is full of accounts of miraculous healing. And God is moving as amazingly today as he was back then. Thousands are being healed all over the world–and his children are part of it.

For the first time, premier renewal leaders Bill Johnson and Randy Clark team up to equip Christians to minister healing. Grounded from start to finish in Scripture, Johnson and Clark lay out the rich theological and historical foundation for healing in the church today. Full of inspiring stories, this book offers practical, proven, step-by-step guidance to ministering healing, including how to
• understand the authority of the believer in healing
• create an atmosphere of faith
• receive words of knowledge
• implement the five-step model of healing prayer

The ministry of healing is not reserved for a select few. God’s miraculous healing is part of the Good News–and every believer can become a conduit for his healing power.

I know prayer of any magnitude can be abused. I’ve seen it. There is nothing in this book that reads deceptive, if anything, the five point model helps people avoid taking advantage or inadvertently operating in the flesh. I walked away feeling a responsibility to pray with some key points and verses in mind, and not wait for a pastor, an elder or someone smarter than me to pray for someone.

If you’re an intercessor with a heart for the sick, this book is a must have. I’m really glad I chose this book.

To find out for yourself, click here.

I received this book from Bethany/Chosen in exchange for an honest review.

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13 years ago

Nice review.