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My 12 in 12: An Update

Well February is flying by and I thought it’s a good time to check in and see how I’m doing with the 12 in 12 I posted last month. This comes from Patty Wysong.

1. Finish my first manuscript. Well, I’m working on it. I took time off for vacation, but I’m back editing. I want so much to master showing and conquer telling. Pray with me, won’t you?

2. Start the agent process. I need to complete #1, but it remains a prayer.

3. Attend a writer’s conference. I’m collecting brochures. Does that count?

4. Use a passport. Whoo hoo! I used one for our cruise three weeks ago. More than that, I came home determined to use one again. Not for the Disney Cruise we want to take in 2013, but to take a short terms missions trip.

5. Finish that c25k app. Pitiful. I need to work on this one.

6. Prune. I made that specific change. I know there’s more to come, but I did it.

7. Be social. The first Greater Youngstown Praise and Coffee Night is scheduled to kick off March 15. So excited!

How I want to take credit for this picture, but my husband took this one!

8. Date my husband. Now that we’re back from vacation, the schedule is a barrier. I DVR’d The Proposal and he accepted my date, but we haven’t watched it yet. We had every plan to attend a marriage ministry meeting where they watched Courageous—but our oldest texted us that he fell down the stairs. He was fine, but we had to go home to make sure. No date night.

9. Write a book with my daughter. As I stated last month, this is a summer project. She’s already asking about it. I can’t wait!

10. Continue the anonymous wordpress project I have going with my son. Wow, forgot about this one. He had a rough month and just getting through it was a goal, and with God’s grace, we did.

11. Visit our local Rescue Mission They had an open house. I didn’t make it. Grr! Need to go.

12. Showcase my nature pictures somehow. I blogged some of them, and plan to try to “pin” the rest on Pinterest.

Hmmm, I’m pleasantly surprised. I’m making progress. I have improvements to make, though.

How about you? How are your 2012 going?


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13 years ago

Wow, Julie! I’m so impressed with how much you’ve accomplished. You made those goals and have steadily worked toward achieving them. I need to take lessons! Very well done and great post!

13 years ago

Congrats on your accomplishments.