
Week of Questions—Who Would Play You in A Movie?

I’m taking a respite of sorts but can’t completely leave the blog. I thought I’d throw out some questions and see what you think.

Yesterday I asked about the title of your unauthorized biography. Today, I’d like to know…

Who would play you in a movie? It can be a celebrity but doesn’t have to be.

Me? Depends on the year, I think. When I was post-college and single, I figured I was closest to Courtney Cox’s character on Friends, Monica. If you’ve ever heard her say, “I know!” That’s me, or at least it was back then. Same for the organization. That was me, circa 1995.

But Friends is over and I’m not single or twenty-five. What a contrast but you know who could probably play me? Well actually I know she could, she’s an award winning actress.

Kathy Bates.


How about you?

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13 years ago

Kathy Bates for me too.