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A2Z Meme Letter B—Brilliant Boy, Miracle Baby

The A2Z meme continues with the letter B.

His name even begins with a “B” but I won’t reveal it here for his privacy. But he’s my firstBORN, a BOY, and definitely a miracle BABY.

Me and my firstBORN

If I listened to man, he wouldn’t even be here. Because of a severe case of PCOS, my doctor was kind enough to take the time to explain everything, including my probable infertility. He ended the chat by saying ignore the diagnosis and tell kids that I’d like to be a mom someday. He felt their prayers would bring favor to the situation.

And he was right.

His name means strong and I figured that was God’s name for him when I had a major car accident while pregnant with him. The new van flipped and had $12k worth of damage. I walked away without a scratch when two bowling balls should have flown to my head. Instead, they flew out the back, a total gravity miracle.

He tried to come early and that gave me a month’s bedrest. When it was time to come, he didn’t, so I ended up with an emergency c-section. It’s been smooth sailing with him ever sense.

These days he is a teenager with a deep voice I still don’t recognize and a little mustache I’ll never get used to. He’s a master texter and broke me down to play the war games I hate so much on XBox. But thankfully with observation and a lot of prayer he’s still the same spirit filled, faith inspired guy he’s always been.

He has his dad’s strengths in Math and Science, and is a total computer whiz. He was getting calls from friends for game help as early as third grade. He’s a natural in most sports but he hates competition. In his world everyone should win.

When asked about his future he believes he has a lot of opportunities. He plays drums and is learning keyboard. Music is in his blood. He loves to build and draw, so he’s mentioned architecture. He has a heart for prayer and missions, so that could be part of future as well.

Our best chats are in the car. We do devotions together and our personalities and giftings are similar. All I know is for all the tears and fears I dealt with wanting him, he was worth the wait.

This BOY is the BEST.

What’s your Letter B?

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13 years ago

Thanks for sharing this miracle.

13 years ago

What a neat story! God must have big time plans for your miracle boy!

13 years ago
Reply to  blc228

BTW, I’m Barbara Lynn Culler

13 years ago
Reply to  blc228

@blc228 Thanks Barbara. I’m trying a new comment system and appreciate your patience The sign in process isn’t perfect, but I like that it doesn’t crash on me. Ah, technology!

Shelley Ledfors
Shelley Ledfors
13 years ago

What a great B post! Thanks so much for sharing about your miracle boy!

auto lease
13 years ago

A very nice post.

13 years ago

@Shelley Ledfors Thanks for reading, Shelley. I confess, He’s a keeper!

13 years ago

That’s sweet! I hope he appreciates his mama as much as she appreciates him!