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This Post is Sponsored by the Number 12—12 in 12, That Is

That Patty Wysong. She has so many great ideas going for 2012 I’m giddy. Because her great ideas translate to blog post ideas for me here. It also helps me meet new people and learn more about them.

Patty’s latest genius idea is 12 in 12. Anyone who wants to blog about the 12 things they want to accomplish in 2012 can do so and link back to Patty’s blog. As Patty suggests, think of 12 things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Push yourself. Don’t have a blog? That’s okay, share it on FB, Twitter, etc…and let Patty (and me!) know.

Here’s my 12 in 12:

Join us at http://www.pattywysong.com to share your 12 in 12

1. Finish my first manuscript. That’s right, I’ve never done this, at least not to this scale. I wrote the first draft during NaNo ’10 and bit by bit I’ve been editing. For the first time I’m taking my work through two ACFW critique groups and I’m learning so much. I want to really work on this and finish.

2. Start the agent process. Again, this isn’t normal for me. Brand new territory. I don’t know if it’s meant to be, but it is where God wants me. So for 2012, that’s my goal.

3. Attend a writer’s conference. Nope, I haven’t done this before, either. We’re a one income family so these ideas are far off extras. It looks like there will be a conference later this year in my state, so it could happen.

4. Use a passport. I’m 41 and until a month ago, never even had a passport. I’ll be using it for vacation reasons in 2012, but have a feeling the passport will see more use in years to come for missions.

5. Finish that c25k app. I don’t hate exercise as much as I hate the idea. This app lets me walk and build up running, something I’m not skilled at. As a baby I had braces on my feet and the doctor left them on too long. I have knees that dislocate. This is a small exercise program I’m doing in the privacy of my home set to music I can play as loud as I want.

6. Prune. There is a specific area in my life that needs cutting, nothing deep, but it is an area I dread. When I have to make a change, I don’t like it. It’s time for something new and different and to do that, I have to make some changes.

7. Be social. I’m a natural introvert and that took me a long time to realize and admit it. Now I embrace it to depths where I just don’t enjoy being out and about. A writer’s life is secluded so I have to be intentional. I’m seriously considering starting a Praise and Coffee night, keep the expectations low and the fun high.

8. Date my husband. If you’re married, you know it’s almost impossible to be in the same season of life. When he’s able to get out, I can’t or am too tired. Or finances are in the way. We haven’t even rented movies or watched anything like we did when the kids were smaller. Now the kids are older and we could go out more, even if it was a walk at a park. But I’m not intentional about it. It’s not easy for me, even though he’s a built-in date. If he’s busy or not able, he’ll say so. But I should at least ask.

9. Write a book with my daughter. Last summer we wrote a customized story together and it went so well I want to do it again. Even at 8 she was able to come up with a plot, conflict, resolution, and a chapter-by-chapter synopsis. When finished we put it in a binder, and she created the artwork. I created an author’s page for her and my heart swells when I see of all the books she has on her shelf, she still goes for that one.

10. Continue the anonymous wordpress project I have going with my son. It was our answer to a situation and to be honest, I love working with him. This is something I long for others to be a part of, but we’re not putting our names on it. So, read in between the lines and perhaps you’ll find us in cyberspace as I embedded a clue for you here.

11. Visit our local Rescue Mission and perhaps volunteer there. This has been on my mind for a long time and I just haven’t done it. No excuses.

12. Showcase my nature pictures somehow. I’m an amateur, but I receive great feedback when people visit our home and see the pictures. Maybe I’ll make them a blog post or something.


There! That wasn’t too hard. What do you think? Now, show me yours!

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12 years ago

Wishing you much success.

12 years ago

YAY Julie!! Loved reading your 12!!

Your nature pix…a2z: Take 2 is a fab day to post pix and a fun excuse to take pix! LoL. It’s one of my favorite times to use some of the pix I take. 😉

Patty Wysong
12 years ago

YAY Julie!! Loved reading your 12!!

Your nature pix…a2z: Take 2 is a fab day to post pix and a fun excuse to take pix! LoL. It’s one of my favorite times to use some of the pix I take. 😉

Patty Wysong
12 years ago

YAY Julie!! Loved reading your 12!!

Your nature pix…a2z: Take 2 is a fab day to post pix and a fun excuse to take pix! LoL. It’s one of my favorite times to use some of the pix I take. 😉

(and if you saw the other two times I tried posting, sorry. Trying to get right profile to show up. LoL)