Marriage Monday: The Day My Parents Decided to Be Funny
I’m glad to be back once again participating with e-Mom’s bi-monthly Marriage Monday. She asks a great question today—do you remember the day your husband proposed? In all honesty, e-Dad thought up this topic, so let’s get to it. Share your story, link back to Chrysalis blog, and read the other great stories.
Here’s mine—
The day that Tom proposed was two months to the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was a new Christian and on fire for God. He was so passionate about his new relationship that he heard from God in ways that I can’t say I did—at least not as fast as he did. Tom felt the day he asked me out that the Holy Spirit showed him that we would be married. So his intentions were clear from the get go.
He lived two hours away and would come back to his hometown weekends to see me. This particular day, September 15, 1995, I knew I’d be with two teenage sisters I mentored. They had never met Tom and they were excited to meet him. We were going to watch movies and have chocolate peanut butter ice cream, one of the girl’s favorite.
Tom was late and this was before the days of cell phones, so I wasn’t sure where he was. We’d looked at rings beforehand so I knew a proposal was coming, I just didn’t know when. He arrived, as I remember, an hour or more late, and I was full of questions. When he got there it was me, my roommate, and the two teens.
He was so nervous and excited he didn’t take long to ask. Turns out he’d been at my parent’s house and asked my dad for my hand. My dad worked for the Town and kept early hours, which meant an early bedtime. When Tom got to the house, my dad was already in bed. Mom had to wake dad, which accelerated Tom’s nervousness. When he asked, my parents decided for the first time to tell a joke. They were never known to be overly funny people. But of all the days, that was the day they thought being funny would be a good way to act. Tom asked them, and they said they would think about it. Then they broke out laughing and said yes.
Anyway, he got on his knee at my apartment and asked if I would marry him. The girls and my roommate were screaming and all excited, so much so I was kind of extra calm. In fact, I was so at peace it was my roommate that called my mom, not me!
One of the teens found out that night not only was she getting Tom as a new friend, they both liked the same ice cream. She was immediately smitten and threatened up to the day of the wedding to steal him away, LOL. The other teen wasn’t so excited as she was scared I’d leave them and our weekly visits. But that night we all watched the movie and ate the ice cream.
And on August 31, 1996, we were married.

I found the title amusing. It is because marriage is linked to phrase “decided to be funny.” Anyway, your story is inspiring and romantic. It is good to hear that Mandy recently tied the knot. I also love how you tell some amusing things in your story, including the teen threatened to steal your groom away.
Great story, Julie! Thanks for sharing! And Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream is the best, isn’t it?!
What a lovely story! Its good to know that I’m not the only one who had a whirlwind courtship. I think that my heart knew almost right from the start that my husband was to be my one and only.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Stephan! I appreciate you reading today.
Thank you, I’m glad you stopped by. That ice cream is #2—to German Chocolate Cake.
It’s so funny when I hear of fast courtships I get nervous, but ours was short. It was definitely a God thing, and I was 25 and very mature for my age, and he was 35. That helped as well.
Thank you for reading!
Such a wonderful post.
I love your story, Julie. Thanks for sharing. June
Aw… loved it! You two are so good together. We all have ups and downs, but looking back and reminiscing helps us go forward with a big smile on our face.
Funny, I felt a more peace than excitement too. (Even though I kind of hammed it up for e-Dad’s photos). It just seemed “right” to be marrying this man.
I appreciate that Tom took the time to ask your father. That shows amazing respect! You’re a blessed woman.
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday during such a busy season.
Hugs, e-Mom
Awe, love the humour in this story. It is so sweet how men can get nervous about this.
Thank you, Denise! I need to read yours!
Thank you for stopping by, June!
I remember being really touched that he was set on asking my dad for permission first. What I never expected was for dad to have fun with it. A precious memory, now that dad is gone.
I still am smiling over your pictures. That is wonderful to have those pictures for your children and grandchildren to see.
It has to be a lot of pressure to ask. I’ve seen way too many live tv proposals where the woman says no. I can’t imagine!
Love this! Such a wonderful, heaven-sent blessing!
Thank you, Christine!
Hey, Julie,
I knew we were kindred spirits. I met my hubby on a blind date at the end of August, and in mid-September he told me, “I’m going to marry you one day.” This was also his second marriage. The only difference is that we didn’t get saved until we’d been married a year. But in November, we were at Zilker Park in Austin, and as we sat on a hill and enjoyed the cool fall weather, he asked me to marry him.
Thanks for the memories!