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Character Confession: Feeling Bethlehemian Festive

I hope this works. It’s been a long week and I’ve struggled. Although on my own I read Advent stories, listen to Christmas music and am intentional about the meaning of the season, once the kids get home it feels like a race to make dinner, get one to basketball practice, help the other with homework. Hubby comes home whistling Christmas music and me…not so much.

So today I’m going to step back and enjoy the season. The first video is a hysterical look at shopping. I definitely don’t advocate the ad I saw before my video started, so ignore that.


This video is so cute I can’t stand it, and I love the message. Enjoy.

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Connie Arnold
13 years ago

That little video is so cute and really does have a good message! Where did you find it? Thank you for sharing, and hope you can find more time to enjoy the season, Julie.