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What If?

One of the books I’m reading right now is Beth Moore’s Personal Reflections Series on Paul and today I’m struck by Ananias. He is the man that Jesus in Acts 9 chose to share His message to the blinded Saul. When He got the assignment Ananias knew exactly who Saul was. This was a guy that came to town looking for Christians to kill.  Jesus wanted Ananias to talk to that guy?  Yep, Jesus did.

And Ananias obeyed.

That got me wondering, what if he said no?

What if the blinded Saul was taken to Ananias and the door promptly shut in Saul’s face? No message for Saul, no grace, no holy plan unveiled. Would Saul had ever been able to embrace God’s love if none was shone?

What about Mary?  Try being an engaged teenager where lack of purity means death and the Holy Spirit lets you know you’re going to be a mom. A pure mom. Of the Savior the Scriptures promised. I’m 41 and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t give a yes right away, if ever. That’s a pretty tall order. What if Mary said no? She could have aborted her own Messiah, and mine, and yours.

What if Mary Said No?

Over the weekend I read a lot of posts on Facebook and Twitter updates about the movie Soul Surfer based on Bethany Hamilton. What if after her accident Bethany decided to say no to trusting God further? What if she decided to be bitter and live out the life of a victim, something everyone would understand?

What if?

I sense today God is asking someone reading today to choose something today that He wants a yes answer to. Perhaps it is forgiving someone one more time for the same old thing that has gone on day after day (please don’t interpret this to mean any form of abuse, forgiveness and seeking help are two different matters) or saying yes to a job opportunity that means moving away from everything and everyone you know. What if you’re being asked to trust Him for something you can’t see around the bend for? Saying yes to a new ministry opportunity perhaps. Speaking a word of encouragement over a person like Saul might be your challenge today.

What if?

I believe a lie that is finally being found out is that God is a nebulous, shadowy figure that is too busy dealing with Iraq to care about you. That comes straight from the pit of hell. The truth is God is sovereign and He can handle Iraq and the second by second opportunities He’s showing your way. He wants relationship with you through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. He wants to show you wonderful things about your life and for you to ask Him…what if?

If He’s asking you to say yes, seek Him hard (more than asking your friends or eating a bag of Oreos like I tend to do) and if that truly is His answer, take that leap.

Chances are, your obedience will change the Kingdom of God.

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13 years ago

Something that’s been on my mind a lot lately. If we don’t follow that calling, what happens. Does God just raise someone else up to take our place? I don’t think so. Maybe someone else will witness to that person, but what if? What if we are the only one that can really reach them?

Thank you. I always get so much out of your blog posts. 🙂